My rock climbing journey….

Hi all, I haven’t been writing a post for many years and from today onwards I will try to be active again in my writing…..but for today’s first post, I intend to keep it short as I just want to share with people who come across my blog and read my posts that I have a YouTube page that dedicates to my rock climbing journey. I mainly posted videos on some of my successful climbed. I want to motivate women of all ages, especially those hitting 50 years soon (like me – next year 😀) that if we put our mind to it, we can do it. We aren’t challenging anyone but ourselves.

I’m not a professional climber. I climb for fun, workout and most importantly to challenge myself physically and mentally. I find that climbing is like a life journey where we will meet challenges, obstacles and setbacks, but that don’t stop us from trying and keep moving forward or in this case upward. Haha. And of course, I also hope I can build up followers on my YouTube page, but is hard. Maybe because I don’t post videos on a daily basis.

Anyway, is ok. I, just doing it for fun….hope you guys can give me some support and encouragement if you have a chance to watch my rock climbing videos. Thanks in advance! Have a great day all!

Follow my new blog…

Hi All,

For those of you who have been following my current blog, you can visit my new blog ( where I post videos, voice recording and write about topics on everything and anything.

For the time being, I will not be posting any new posts on this blog. Head over to my new blog if you guys and gals are still interested to read, watch & listen to what I have to share.

Thanks all for reading my blog! Happy weekend peeps!

Checkout my new blog ….

Hi all, I have started a new blog where all my posts will be as voice recorded posts. I will also include videos and photos along the way.

For those of you who have been following my existing blog, please checkout my new site

The new blog address is where you guys will get all my latest posts and I hope you guys will continue to follow my blog and also please feel free to comments or let me know any contents you want me to talk about. Haha.

Looking forward to seeing you guys on my new blog. Thanks

Calla Lillies – Black Beauty

I love these 2 gorgeous and stunning calla lilies that I bought on Saturday from my regular seller. When she sent me photos of it, I knew I had to buy it especially the black color calla lilly as this is the 1st time I came across it. It is very rare to find an all black color and it is absolutely more stunning up close. And it wasn’t pricey. Only RM75 for this great beauty.

I had moved these 2 calla lilies to my happy corner (a little corner in my living room) so that I can enjoy looking at it whenever I want. Before, I left these 2 plants at my lanai area so I wasn’t able to look at it as and when I wanted to do so.

I don’t know how to explain my exact feelings, but looking at these pretty plants makes me feel happy and contend. In life, we can find beauty in the simplest and inexpensive things if we keep an open heart and eyes.

Anyway, I just want to share these 2 beauty with all of you. Happy Sunday and happy week ahead!

Don’t put up with men shitty behaviour.

Lately, I had been telling my male friends off when they made stupid remarks & jokes. For example, yesterday afternoon I sent a short clip of my climbing to a male friend and his comment was his niece was better. My replied to him was I deleted the clip. He asked me why I deleted it? I told him I didn’t asked to be compared to his niece whom I don’t know her at all and when I sent him the clip I was just sharing with him my progress. Since he wanted to compare us I might as well delete the clip. Then he replied OMG.

When he compared me to a stranger, I felt irritated because I didn’t ask him who was better and I wasn’t in a. competition with his niece so why compared. I never claimed to him I was better than his niece and I really don’t give a damn if she was better than me or not. I told him off because I didn’t think it was necessary to compare. Is stupid and pointless to compare. And to compare me to a stranger, I just felt his action was ridiculous. Nowadays I don’t put up with shitty behaviours/actions from men. I had tolerated a lot of men bullshit in the past and I wouldn’t entertain their bullshit anymore.

Beside this particular male friend, I had also been putting Dino on his spot when he said or made some stupid remarks or jokes that he thought he was being funny but in actual fact it wasn’t at all. Sometimes I ignored and didn’t reply back to his messages. A couple of weeks ago, he made fun about my purposed made 10 feet high bookshelves. I showed him a pic of it and he saw the # of books I had so he was trying to tease/joke that he didn’t know I could read!! That flipping comment sent my blood boiling and I answered him back that “Definitely can read better than you can”. Then he replied he was just teasing and joking with me. I told him I felt insulted by his comment and that he was insulting my intelligent. I also told him he can’t jokes and makes fun about my intelligence or dreams.

I also told him if I hadn’t knew him for 20+ years, I would had deleted him off from my life based on his last comment. Then he tried to change the topic by saying that ok he noted and that he reserved the rights to tease me on anything he wants. I told him NO!! He doesn’t have the rights to tease me on anything he wants. I’m not bestowing the rights to him. In the past, I would had let him off the hook easily. But nowadays I didn’t and never will. I used to find him interesting and fun, but now I just find him irritating and boring 40% of the time when we chat.

I used to find him physically attractive (I haven’t seen him in over 20 years), but now I’m not so sure. I mean he is after all a 55 years old uncle. Haha. Gone were the days when I thought fondly of him. And I have no issue of cutting him off from my life if he continues with his lame jokes that irks me. To be honest, I wished I had the same guts a couple of years ago because then I would had called Peter out for his fucking shitty behaviours. But at that time, I was in love with him and didn’t want to lose him. So instead I lost myself, my self-worth and my heart to a man who lied to me from Day 1 he stepped back into my life. And I emboldened his lies because I chose to ignore all the red flags and even apologised and begged him not to be upset with me when I called him out on his bullshits. I forgave him so many time and accepted his shitty treatments when I should had walked away from it. It was a painful lesson, but it was a lesson I needed because without that lesson I wouldn’t be a better version of myself today.

And that was why I called out Michael when he gave me the radio silent. It just brought back all the negative feelings and I didn’t like how I felt so I chose to distance myself. And frankly I don’t miss Michael at all. I think he replied back to my last message, but I didn’t read. I actually archive his chat with me so unless I unarchive it, I won’t be able to read it. And I don’t plan to unarchive it anytime soon. It doesn’t matter anymore what he has to say because it is unimportant to me. As I had stated in the past, I don’t know him well. We were not really friends. At best 2 strangers who entertained the same thoughts of 1 night stand if opportunity presented itself. Nothing more, nothing less. I don’t like him enough to feel like it will be my lost if he isn’t in my life.

Frankly, I’m actually happy that I called him out on his behaviours although is his choice to reply me or not, but I can’t stand people who have no basic manners and courtesy. Anyway, I really don’t care anymore. I’m just very happy with the fact that I have changed and I don’t put up with men shitty behaviour anymore! Haha.

Is extremely liberating to be able to not give a shit of pleasing men! Women, we shouldn’t silence our voice because without it, we might lose ourselves. Is not worth to lose ourselves on men who don’t deserve us!! Always remember to cherish yourself!!

Calling out Michael on his radio silent

Michael gave me the radio silent again yesterday and this time I called him out on it. I debated within myself if I should let it slide especially when we are just acquaintance/casual friend, but then I really dislike how his action made me felt and it was building up so I sent him a message to let him know that it wasn’t cool t go radio silent on me intentionally. If he didn’t want to chat anymore, he could just informed me and I would be cool and stay away. This wasn’t the 1st time he pulled the radio silent stunt on me so this time I just need to voice how I felt to him and I told him I would leave him alone.

I could never understand why men have to an asshole with their actions. I’m not delusional to think there is anything between us or there is a chance for us to develop romantic relationship, but I did think that we could be friend. I rarely give my friends the radio silent when they messaged me because I find it rude and disrespectful especially if my friends asked me questions no matter how stupid the questions were, I would still replied. I think it is also basic manners and courtesy.

Last night was Michael 3rd time in pulling such a stunt and I decided I had enough of it. Of course, the probability of us not communicating again after my last message is very likely to happen and frankly, I can live with the consequences of my decision. What I can’t live and tolerate is letting his shitty behaviour slides again. I could, but I didn’t want to. Michael action and behaviour reminded me too much of Peter Wittendorp. I promised myself that I will not tolerate lousy behaviours from men anymore. I gave chances, but if it is repetitive then is time to call them out on it even if we can’t be friends anymore.

I like Michael and enjoyed chatting with him very much, but I didn’t enjoy the negative feeling he made me felt even as an acquaintance/friend. I don’t think he will reach out to apologise for his behaviour and is ok because is within my expectation. Not sad because is better to know what type of person he is now than later. People come, people go. That’s how’s life is.

I have to take care of my own feelings before anyone else because if I don’t no one else will.

Expectation = Disappointment (Michael)

I reached out to Michael yesterday and he replied back so we messaged back and forth for 3 hours. He didn’t apologised for his radio silent, but he did explained that he was sick, busy with work, travels and house hunting. I didn’t expect an apology from him because we are just acquaintance, but it would be nice to get one so then I will know he likes me a little bit more than acquaintance. But he didn’t so I’m just not someone he wants to get to know better, especially after today it is even more clear because he didn’t reply my text at all. I shouldn’t expect him to reply, but I did because I had fun chatting with him last night and he mentioned we will continue today so I thought it would happened. My bad. I shouldn’t have ignored the red flags when it were so obvious.

Expectation = Disappointment and this is how I’m feeling right now. Is not his fault because I should have better control of my feelings and shouldn’t let it run wild. I shouldn’t get carried away with the attention he gave me yesterday night. I promised myself I wouldn’t allow it to happen again. I even told him that if he hadn’t replied my text last night I wouldn’t reach out again. And he said it would be a pity if that happened. And tonight he didn’t reply to me so I’m going to keep my words and won’t reach out anymore. I told him in my last text to him that I wouldn’t disturb him anymore. After I sent it to him, I deleted it on my end so I’m not sure if he has read it or not. If he has and still choose not to reply, then his action is telling me to stay away from him. Since this isn’t the 1st time he did the radio silent and I had given him another chance when I reached out last night, I’m not going to do it anymore.

I admit I actually like him a bit more than acquaintance hence I’m feeling a bit sore that he didn’t reply to my messages today and might not even have read it yet. Very disappointed and I don’t like feeling disappointed so the only way to get rid of this disappointment feeling is to stop any further communication with him. Is very clear he isn’t interested in me in the way I want so no point to keep hoping. I will get rid of my interest in him and move on. Before he reappeared in my life, I was happily living my own life. Nothing is going to happen between us because we live in different part of the world and beside he isn’t interested in me in a romantic manner.

I have myself to blame because of the expectation that I formed that leads to disappointment. I’m still feeling very disappointed by his hot n cold treatments. Reminded me very much of Peter Wittendorp past actions. The only good thing is that I’m not in love with Michael, unlike Peter Wittendorp whom I liked a lot in the beginning, but fell in love deeply in the end therefore my heartbrokenness was the greatest!

As for Michael, I will probably lose interest in him in a couple of days and I will also constantly remind myself of the negative feelings he gave me. Beside, I don’t know how he looks like now. He might not look too good. Haha. I mean he isn’t super handsome or cute, just slightly better looking than average and he is tall. Other than that, nothing outstanding. I’m just super bored and restless hence I’m looking for someone like him to keep me occupied. I mean I can chat anything with him as we are kinda on the same wavelength. I think he is quite honest, but his hot and cold treatments I don’t like it at all.

I think I shouldn’t have any expectation about him. Instead I should just treat him as an acquaintance or a casual friend because I’m very ok when my friends don’t reply my messages if it were anything important. I’m very OK when Dino didn’t reply to me because I treat Dino as a friend and I don’t have any mushy feelings for Dino so I don’t give a damn if he reply or not. And sometimes he would reached out 1st to stay hi and checked to see how I’m doing. Although not regular, but at least Dino still reached out to say hi once awhile. But Michael, so far only once and I had reached out 3x already. I think my quota for reaching out is max out already.

Oh well, life goes on. I’m in great control of my feelings, thoughts and actions so I’m petty sure I will get over my liking for Michael in a few days time. If he doesn’t cares to keep me in his life, then I shouldn’t have any issue to walkaway even as an acquaintance. Words without actions = NOTHING!

Ok, I’m tired so I’m going to sleep now. Till my next post. Ciao.